Sulfuric Acrid

A. Saeid , K. Chojnacka , in Encyclopedia of Toxicology (Third Edition), 2014


Sulfuric acrid is very reactive and dissolves nearly metals, information technology is a full-bodied acid that oxidizes, dehydrates, or sulfonates most organic compounds, often causes charring.

Sulfuric acid reacts violently with alcohol and h2o to release estrus. Information technology reacts with most metals, particularly when diluted with water, to form flammable hydrogen gas, which may create an explosion hazard. Sulfuric acid is not combustible, just it is a strong oxidizer that enhances the combustion of other substances, does not burn itself. During burn down, poisonous gases are emitted. Chancy decomposition products are as follows: sulfur dioxide, sulfur trioxide, and sulfuric acid fumes.

Note: Use great circumspection in mixing with water due to heat release that causes explosions. Always add the acid to water, never the reverse.

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Sulfuric Acid

Heriberto Robles , in Encyclopedia of Toxicology (2d Edition), 2005

Machinery of Toxicity

Sulfuric acid is a highly reactive chemical. It tin react with cells and tissues upon contact. Damage acquired by sulfuric acid can range from tissue irritation to chemical burns and necrosis. Signs and symptoms of exposure include tissue damage at indicate of contact. Tissue injury appears within seconds of exposure and can continue for hours and even days if not properly treated. The tissue damage extent and severity is dependent on the dose received, exposure interval, and strength (tooth concentration) of the sulfuric acrid solution. Highly concentrated sulfuric acid solutions (ordinarily found in industrial chemicals) are more dangerous than diluted acid solutions (equally those found in consumer products).

The mode of activeness of sulfuric acid is the same in humans and animals. Therefore, acute and chronic effects are expected to be the aforementioned for animals and humans.

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Industry Profile—Fertilizers

Paul N. Cheremisinoff P.E., D.Eastward.E. Professor , in Waste Minimization and Toll Reduction for the Process Industries, 1995

Sulphuric Acid

Sulphuric acrid is produced from sulphur. Sulphur dioxide is get-go obtained by the burning of the molten sulphur in presence of air. Sulphur dioxide is then converted to sulphur trioxide in presence of vanadium pentoxide catalyst. The sulphur trioxide thus obtained is captivated in recycling concentrated sulphuric acid in an assimilation tower. The plants installed before and the smaller units of sulphuric acid plants utilize a unmarried assimilation process which has conversion efficiency of 96–98%. New large sulphuric acid production plants at present–a–days utilise double conversion double assimilation (DCDA) process. DCDA process can realize to a higher place 99% conversion efficiency. The manufacturing process for sulphuric acid by the single absorption process and DCDA procedure are shown in Figure seven–9 and Figure seven–10 respectively.

Figure 7–nine. Production of sulfuric acid–unmarried absorption process.

Figure vii–ten. Sulfuric acid production—DCDA process.

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Recovery of Waste Printed Circuit Boards Through Pyrometallurgy

En Ma , in Electronic Waste Direction and Treatment Applied science, 2019 Salt Roasting

Sulfuric acrid roasting and chlorination roasting are typical examples of salt roasting. The aim is to convert equally many metal sulfides or oxides in the material into soluble salts dissolved in water, or dilute acids, nether controlled weather. The master control conditions of sulfuric acid roasting are temperature and air volume. At the same temperature, the decomposition pressure and stability of various sulfates are different; the college the temperature, the more unstable the sulfate is, and the easier it is to decompose into oxides. The selective sulfuric acid roasting is carried out by controlling the temperature by the departure of sulfate stability. When the air book can be the maximum value of the Sothree in the gaseous stage, it is the nearly suitable volume for sulfuric acid roasting. Sulfuric acid roasting is practical to the handling of copper concentrate, copper-cobalt concentrate, cobalt-sulfur concentrate and depression-form metal material. The fluidized roasting furnace is used for sulfuric acid roasting in industry.

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Binary and multicomponent gas–liquid nucleation

Ari Laaksonen , Jussi Malila , in Nucleation of H2o, 2022

7.9 Nucleation of sulfuric acid and water

Sulfuric acid has a very depression vapor pressure level and a lot of estrus is released when information technology is mixed with water. Therefore, sulfuric acrid vapor can nucleate with h2o at very depression concentrations, on the gild of 108–1010 molecules per cubic centimeter, depending on temperature and relative humidity. This makes sulfuric acid a candidate for forming new aerosol particles in the atmosphere, which has been known for a long fourth dimension [35]. A complicating factor in computing sulfuric acid's nucleation rates with water is the tendency of the acrid to form hydrates in the vapor, i.due east. stable clusters of an acid and i to several water molecules [36]. one The hydrates are stable even though they are smaller than the disquisitional nucleus, and therefore at that place is a minimum in the energy surface near the origin [36]. The hydrates thus tend to stabilize the vapor, and make the formation of the disquisitional nucleus energetically more expensive.

Hydrate formation can exist viewed every bit a series of chemical reactions: A + W H 1 + W H 2 + W where A denotes acid, West denotes water, and H i is a hydrate containing ane acid and i water molecules. We ignore hydrates with two or more acids because their concentration would in whatsoever instance be much smaller than those containing but 1 acid [38]. Because of hydration, the concentration of free acids will drop co-ordinate to

(7.lxx) d [ A ] d t = k 1 [ A ] [ W ] + k 2 [ H ane ]

where k 1 and 1000 2 are the forrard and opposite reaction constants. The concentration of h2o vapor is and then many orders of magnitude higher than the acid concentration that nosotros tin can take information technology to be abiding. In equilibrium the time derivative is zero, and we have

(7.71) [ H 1 ] = k 1 k 2 [ A ] [ West ] = 1000 1 [ A ] [ W ] .

The concentration of the monohydrate obeys

(seven.72) d [ H 1 ] d t = g 2 [ H 1 ] + k i [ A ] [ West ] k 3 [ H 1 ] [ Due west ] + k four [ H ii ] ,

with k three and grand 4 the forward and reverse constants of dihydrate formation. In equilibrium the time derivative is aught, and and then is the sum of the 2 get-go term on the right hand side, so that we have

(7.73) [ H 2 ] = one thousand iii k four [ H 1 ] [ Due west ] = 1000 ane Yard 2 [ A ] [ W ] ii

with G 2 = k 3 / k four . This can be readily generalized to i-hydrates:

(vii.74) [ H i ] = K 1 K 2 . . . M i [ A ] [ West ] i .

The Gibbs energy change of formation of an i-hydrate from an ( i ane )-hydrate is given past

(vii.75) Δ Yard i = Δ H i T Δ S i = R T ln K i .

Thus, if the Δ G i are known for a sufficiently big i, the concentration of free acid molecules in the vapor is obtained from

(seven.76) [ A ] = [ A t ] i [ H i ] ,

where [ A t ] is the total concentration of acids in the vapor (costless acids plus those bound in hydrates). In nucleation calculations, the number concentration of free acrid molecules (or the respective partial pressure) should be used equally the input parameter rather than the total concentration.

Jaecker-Voirol et al. [39] calculated Δ G i based on the classical droplet model. Assuming that the hydrates tin can be described as liquid droplets is of form not very satisfactory as they are entities consisting of less than ten molecules. Not only is the surface tension concept questionable for such clusters; one too needs to utilise macroscopic activity coefficient models, which volition inevitably fail for hydrates having three or less water molecules. This is because, different in macroscopic liquid solutions, sulfuric acid protonation does not occur readily in the smallest hydrates [38,xl], and protonation obviously influences the activities of the macroscopic solutions. Another way to determine the reaction coefficients is to rely on quantum chemic computations of the enthalpy and entropy changes occurring as water molecules are added ane past one to the hydrates. Noppel et al. [41] compared reaction coefficients obtained from classical liquid drop calculations employing somewhat differing assumptions, and from early on quantum chemistry calculations. The scatter of the results was very large with K 1 varying between 1.1 and 1950, and Chiliad 2 varying between ane.two and 946. Table 7.1 lists One thousand 1 K 7 at iii dissimilar temperatures based on a more recent quantum chemistry study [42]. The resulting hydrate distributions are shown in Fig. 7.11 at three dissimilar relative humidities. As temperature increases, the fraction of free acids increases somewhat. Even so, relative humidity has a larger influence. At twenty% RH, about one-half of the acid molecules are free, whereas at 100% RH the fraction of gratis acids is beneath 20%. Monohydrates are ascendant hydrate species, followed by tri- and dihydrates. Earlier studies [39,41] found larger fractions of sulfuric acid molecules to exist bound in hydrates. Their calculations indicated that hydration decreases nucleation rates by iii to eight orders of magnitude depending on temperature, relative humidity, and sulfuric acid concentration. The quantum chemical results would then suggest that these numbers are somewhat overestimated.

Table 7.ane. Equilibrium constants Yard i of hydrate germination.

T = 216.65 Chiliad T = 273.15 Thousand T = 298.15 K
i = 1 118900.0 542.vii 98.56
i = 2 6200.0 36.99 seven.46
i = 3 79270.0 514.viii 95.43
i = four 944.three xviii.69 3.93
i = five 204.0 i.l 0.44
i = six 515.half-dozen 1.55 0.27

Figure 7.11

Figure seven.11. Sulfuric acrid hydrate distributions at 3 different temperatures and three unlike relative humidities. From. Ref. [42].

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Sources of air emissions from pulp and paper mills

Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff , Paul E. Rosenfeld , in Handbook of Pollution Prevention and Cleaner Production, 2010

Sulfuric acrid

Sulfuric acid (CASRN 7664-93-9), also known as hydrogen sulfate, is a highly corrosive, clear, colorless, odorless, stiff mineral acid with the formula H2So4. It is also one of the meridian x chemicals released (by weight) past the paper industry (U.s. EPA, 2009). In mod industry, sulfuric acrid is an important commodity chemic, and is used primarily for the production of phosphoric acid. Information technology is as well good for removing oxidation from fe and steel, so it is used in big quantities by metal manufacturers.

Sulfuric acid is a very dangerous chemical. It is extremely corrosive and toxic. Exposure can occur from inhalation, ingestion, and through skin contact. Inhalation of H2SOiv may cause irritation and/or chemical burns to the respiratory tract, nose, and throat. Inhalation can likewise be fatal every bit a result of spasm, inflammation, edema of the larynx and bronchi, chemic pneumonitis, and pulmonary edema. Chronic inhalation is known to have acquired kidney and lung damage in improver to nosebleeds, erosion of the teeth, chest pain, and bronchitis.

The effects of ingesting sulfuric acrid orally are only every bit bad every bit inhalation. Ingestion may crusade systematic toxicity with acidosis, which can be fatal. It tin also cause severe permanent harm to the digestive and GI tracts. Prolonged or repeated ingestion is not common considering the kickoff ingestion is usually the last.

Skin or middle contact with sulfuric acid can exist devastating. The burns induced are similar, and often worse, than those acquired by hydrochloric acid. What makes sulfuric acrid and so dangerous is its exothermic reaction with h2o. When introduced to water or moisture, the solution reacts with the water to create hydronium ions. This reaction releases big amounts of heat to the environment. This reaction is and so potent that concentrated sulfuric acid can char paper by itself (run across Figure 6.10). Recurring contact with the skin is known to crusade dermatitis, and repeated contact with the eyes can cause permanent visual problems.

Figure six.10. Sulfuric acid (98%) on tissue newspaper.

Source: Wikipedia;

Another mortiferous belongings of sulfuric acrid is its carcinogenicity. The International Agency for Enquiry on Cancer (IARC) has classified "strong inorganic acid mists containing sulfuric acrid" equally a group ane known human carcinogen. The ACGIH also classified sulfuric acid mists as a category A1 carcinogen. This simply applies to mists, and not to liquid sulfuric acid and its solutions (ISU, 2000). Table 6.twenty shows toxicology values for sulfuric acid.

Table 6.xx. Toxicological characterization data for sulfuric acrid

RfC LD50 (rats) LCfifty (rats) LOAEL NOAEL PEL
0.001 mg/yardiii 2.fourteen yard/kg 510 mg/mthree (2 h) 380 mg/one thousand3 N/A 1 mg/m3

Source: ISU (2000).

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Industrial Inorganic Chemistry

DR. James G. Speight , in Ecology Inorganic Chemistry for Engineers, 2017

3.three.15 Sulfuric Acrid

Sulfuric acid (H2And so4) (the historical proper name oil of vitriol) is an inorganic chemic that is a highly corrosive strong mineral acid that is a pungent-ethereal, colorless to slightly yellow viscous liquid that is soluble in water at all concentrations. Sometimes, the acid may exist sold equally a dark chocolate-brown liquid (dye added during production) to alert purchases the hazards of handling this acid.

Sulfuric acid is manufactured in large quantities on a world scale with the production of the chemical ofttimes being linked to the phase of development of a country, attributable to the big number of transformation processes in which it is used. Sulfuric acid (H2Theniv) is a basic raw cloth used in a broad range of industrial processes and manufacturing operations. A high proportion of the manufactured sulfuric acid is used in the product of phosphate fertilizers and other uses include copper leaching, inorganic pigment production, petroleum refining, paper production, and industrial organic chemic production.

Sulfuric acid is manufactured from elemental sulfur in a three-stage process:

S + O 2 So ii

2 SO 2 + O 2 ii SO three

Then 3 + H ii O H two So iv

Since the reaction of sulfur with dry air is exothermic, the sulfur dioxide must be cooled to remove excess heat and avoid reversal of the reaction.

The combustion of elemental sulfur is the predominant source of sulfur dioxide used to industry sulfuric acid. The combustion of hydrogen sulfide from waste product gases, the thermal decomposition of spent sulfuric acid or other sulfur-containing materials, and the roasting of pyrites are also used as sources of sulfur dioxide. Sulfuric acid may exist manufactured commercially by either the lead bedchamber procedure or the contact process with a modern leaning toward the contact process.

In the contact process, the process plants are generally characterized according to the raw materials charged to them: (1) combustion of elemental sulfur, (two) combustion of spent sulfuric acrid and hydrogen sulfide, and (3) combustion of metal sulfide ores and smelter gas burning. More specifically, the contact process incorporates three basic operations, each of which corresponds to a distinct chemical reaction. Outset, the sulfur in the feedstock is oxidized (burned) to sulfur dioxide:

South + O 2 And then 2

The resulting sulfur dioxide is fed to a process unit (often referred to as the converter) where it is catalytically oxidized to sulfur trioxide:

2 SO + 2 O 2 2 So iii

Finally, the sulfur trioxide is absorbed in a stiff sulfuric acid (98%) solution:

SO iii + H 2 O H 2 SO iv

In the Frasch process, elemental sulfur is melted, filtered to remove ash, and sprayed under pressure into a combustion chamber where the sulfur is burned in make clean air that has been dried past scrubbing with 93%–99% (v/v) sulfuric acid. The gases from the combustion bedroom are cool by passing through a waste oestrus boiler and then enter the catalyst (vanadium pentoxide, V2O5) converter. Typically, 95%–98% (v/v) of the sulfur dioxide from the combustion sleeping room is converted to sulfur trioxide, with an accompanying big evolution of oestrus. Afterwards beingness cooled, again past generating steam, the converter exit gas enters an absorption belfry. The assimilation belfry is a packed column where acid is sprayed in the superlative and the sulfur trioxide enters from the lesser. The sulfur trioxide is absorbed in the 98%–99% (v/v) sulfuric acid where the sulfur trioxide combines with the water in the acid and forms more sulfuric acrid. If oleum (a solution of uncombined sulfur trioxide dissolved in sulfuric acid) is produced, sulfur trioxide from the converter is kickoff passed to an oleum belfry that is fed with 98% (v/v) acid from the absorption system. The gases from the oleum tower are and so pumped to the absorption cavalcade where the residual sulfur trioxide is removed. The single absorption process uses but ane absorber as the proper name implies, but many plants take installed a dual absorption pace.

In the dual absorption footstep, the sulfur trioxide gas formed in the principal converter stages is sent to an interpass cushion where nearly of the sulfur trioxide is removed to form sulfuric acid. The remaining unconverted sulfur dioxide is forwarded to the final stages in the converter to remove much of the remaining sulfur dioxide by oxidation to sulfur trioxide, from whence it is sent to the final absorber for removal of the remaining sulfur trioxide.

If oleum (fuming sulfuric acid, simply represented equally HiiThen4·SOiii) is produced (a mixture of excess sulfur trioxide and sulfuric acid), sulfur trioxide from the converter is passed to an oleum tower that is fed with 98% (v/5) acid from the absorbers. The gases from this tower are then pumped to the absorption column where sulfur trioxide is removed. Various concentrations of oleum tin can be produced. Common ones include 20% oleum (xx%, v/v sulfur trioxide in 80%, v/5 sulfuric acid, with no h2o), 40% oleum, and 60% oleum.

Sulfur dioxide is the chief emission from sulfuric acid manufacture and is plant primarily in the exit stack gases. Conversion of sulfur dioxide to sulfur trioxide is also incomplete during the process, which gives ascension to emissions. Dual absorption is considered the best available control engineering science (BACT) for meeting NSPS for sulfur dioxide. In improver to stack gases, small amounts of sulfur dioxide are emitted from storage and tank-truck vents during loading, from sulfuric acid concentrators, and from leaking process equipment.

Acid mists may also be emitted from absorber stack gases during sulfuric acid industry. The very stable acrid mist is formed when sulfur trioxide reacts with h2o vapor below the dew signal of sulfur trioxide. Typical command devices include vertical tube, vertical console, and horizontal dual pad mist eliminators.

During the product of sulfuric acid, a sludge is produced in the carbon dioxide removal unit used to absorb solvent gas. A hydrocarbon solvent is used in the unit, which breaks down into a hydrocarbon sludge during the process. This sludge is ordinarily combusted in another part of the process. Sulfuric acid manufacture also produces a solid waste containing the heavy metallic vanadium, when the convertor catalyst is regenerated or screened. This waste product is sent to an off-site vendor for reprocessing. Boosted solid wastes from sulfuric acid production may contain both vanadium and arsenic, depending on the raw materials used, and intendance must exist taken to dispose of them properly in landfills.

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Pollution and Pollution Prevention

In Handbook of Pollution Prevention and Cleaner Production: Best Practices in the Agrochemical Industry, 2011

2.2.3 Sulfuric Acid Unit of measurement

The main features of this unit are:

storage facilities

sulfur melting and filtration stages.

Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is important in the production of fertilizers (due east.g., ammonium sulfate (sulfate of ammonia), (NH4)2So4, and superphosphate, Ca(HiiPO4)2, which is formed when rock phosphate is treated with sulfuric acid). Sulfuric acid is manufactured at the site using the well-known contact process. The process involves the catalytic oxidation of sulfur dioxide, SO2, to sulfur trioxide, So3. The following are the manufacturing steps:


Solid sulfur, S(southward), is burned (melted) in air to grade sulfur dioxide gas, Sotwo Southward(due south)+O2(1000) → SOtwo(one thousand).


The gases are mixed with more than air and so cleaned by electrostatic precipitation to remove whatsoever particulate matter.


The mixture of sulfur dioxide and air is heated to 450°C and subjected to a pressure of 101.3–202.6   kPa (i–2 atmospheres) in the presence of a vanadium catalyst to produce sulfur trioxide, SO3(1000), with a yield of 98%. 2SOtwo(yard)+O2(g) → 2SO3(yard).


Any unreacted gases from the above reaction are recycled back into the above reaction.


Sulfur trioxide, SO3(thou) is dissolved in 98% (18M) sulfuric acrid, H2And soiv, to produce disulfuric acrid or pyrosulfuric acid, also known as fuming sulfuric acid or oleum, H2SiiO7. And then3(thousand)+HtwoSO4 → HtwoS2O7.This is done considering when water is added directly to sulfur trioxide to produce sulfuric acrid SO3(g)+H2O(l) → H2SOfour(fifty) the reaction is slow and tends to class a mist in which the particles turn down to coalesce.


Water is added to the disulfuric acid, H2S2O7, to produce sulfuric acid, HiiSO4 H2StwoO7(50)+H2O(l) → 2H2Then4(fifty).

The oxidation of sulfur dioxide to sulfur trioxide in step (iii) to a higher place is an exothermic reaction (i.e., energy is released). Hence, a by-product of this process is steam.

Higher temperatures volition strength the equilibrium position to shift to the left-manus side of the equation favoring the production of sulfur dioxide. Lower temperatures would favor the product of the production sulfur trioxide and result in a higher yield. Nevertheless, the charge per unit of reaching equilibrium at the lower temperatures is extremely low. A higher temperature means equilibrium is established more rapidly but the yield of sulfur trioxide is lower. A temperature of 450oC is a compromise whereby a faster reaction charge per unit results in a slightly lower yield. Similarly, at college pressures, the equilibrium position shifts to the side of the equation in which there are the to the lowest degree numbers of gaseous molecules:

2 SO two ( yard ) + O 2 ( m ) two SO 3

On the left-hand side of the reaction there are 3 moles of gaseous reactants, and on the right-paw side there are 2 moles of gaseous products, and so college pressure favors the right-mitt side. College pressure results in a college yield of sulfur trioxide. A vanadium catalyst is used in this reaction in gild to speed up the rate of the reaction.

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Roasting of Gold Ore in the Circulating Fluidized-Bed Engineering

J. Hammerschmidt , ... A. Charitos , in Gilded Ore Processing (Second Edition), 2016

4.3.4 Sulfuric Acid Found

The sulfuric acid plant tin can be divided into iii main sections: drying and adsorption, Soii converter with gas-to-gas oestrus exchangers and tail gas scrubber. The plant uses the three   +   1 double-absorption system. The acrid plant can operate in 4 product modes. Modes i and iii are for production of 94% sulfuric acid and Modes two and iv for 98.five% sulfuric acid production. Any mode of performance tin use single, double or partial-double assimilation depending upon the incoming So2 concentration in the process gas. The final SO2 conversion is typically greater than 99.8%.

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Karst Geomorphology

A.N. Palmer , in Treatise on Geomorphology, 2013

half-dozen.20.4.2 Related Cave Features

Sulfuric acrid caves contain many minor features that contribute little to the cave pattern, but which offering evidence for their origin. Virtually diagnostic are thick rinds and masses of gypsum that have replaced carbonate bedrock, because they are a directly product of sulfuric acid speleogenesis (Effigy 3). Few such rinds are more than 30   cm thick. In most places, they have fallen to the floor to coalesce in thick piles (Effigy four). Gypsum rinds up to a few centimeters thick are also present in some dry epigenic caves where pyrite in the bedrock has oxidized to sulfuric acrid. This gypsum tends to be stained chocolate-brown from iron oxides, whereas most gypsum derived from H2S oxidation is pure white. Replacement gypsum is easily dissolved by meteoric water that infiltrates from the surface, and also by cave streams, even those that are H2S sources. Vadose drips usually core through blocks of gypsum, forming holes with fluted walls. Abrupt terminations of gypsum bodies past dissolution are typical of sulfuric acid caves (Figure 4).

Solution pockets are abundant in nearly all boulder surfaces of sulfuric acid caves (Figures 4 and 14). Many are produced past the localized activeness of sulfuric acrid, but others by subaerial dissolution where h2o from infiltration or condensation absorbs H2S or CO2. Also, many pockets are the remnants of lobate reaction fronts betwixt gypsum and carbonate rock during sulfuric acrid speleogenesis. When the gypsum crust falls off or is dissolved away, pockets are revealed in the bedrock surface. Many of these resemble scallops (asymmetrical solution pockets formed by flowing turbulent water). Many people scrutinize these in unsuccessful attempts to determine old menstruation directions and velocities. True scallops are rare in sulfuric acid caves, even in active stream beds, perhaps because the intensity and irregularity of sulfuric acid dissolution overwhelm the influence of the moving water. Also, the flow charge per unit in most sulfuric acid caves is as well depression to form scallops.

Ceiling channels and cupolas (rounded ceiling pockets) are widely considered to exist evidence for hypogenic cave origin, where the h2o once contained local convection cells. However many of these features are formed or enlarged by condensation corrosion above the water table, in both active and inactive caves, and past local enlargement along fractures as in other types of solution pocket.

Rills and potholes are formed in carbonate walls and floors where sulfuric acid drips from overlying gypsum (Figure 5) or strands of bacterial filaments (see Section vi.20.3.2). When the overlying features disappear by dissolution or by cessation of sulfuric acid processes, the bare boulder to a higher place the rills and potholes seems to testify no relation to the intense dissolution beneath them.

The floors of many rooms and passages in Guadalupe caves are riddled with spongework. This phenomenon is likewise present in parts of the Frasassi System in Italy. These areas were once floored by thick gypsum, which in many areas has been dissolved abroad by infiltrating vadose water. Rills line some of the spongework holes. The spongework is probably formed by thin h2o films rather than detached drips. Gypsum can also sag into the underlying holes and deliver aggressive h2o directly to bedrock surfaces, as though by the application of an acid-soaked sponge.

Highly altered and weathered bedrock surfaces are common (Figure four). One outcome is the bleaching of bedrock by sulfuric acid, mainly considering of oxidation of organics and diminution of crystal size (micritization), and occasionally dolomitization (Palmer, 2007). Even in supposedly inactive caves, absorption of COtwo and perhaps H2South by condensation moisture and infiltration tin corrode the bedrock surfaces, especially ceilings and upper walls where condensation is virtually agile. Where boulder in contact with corrosive air has a large insoluble content, iron and manganese minerals are readily oxidized and produce a multicolored fluffy or granular rind. This process is speeded by the activeness of diverse microbes, and their filaments are common in the weathered material. The combination of weathered boulder and organics constitutes a kind of soil. For that reason, these weathering rinds can exist called speleosols (Maltsev et al., 1997; Spilde et al., 2009).

As a result of subaerial weathering, the floors and other upward-facing surfaces of sulfuric acid caves are commonly covered with a pulverization of weathered bedrock. The powder can accrue to thicknesses of several centimeters, or much more where information technology is concentrated beneath chutes or wall channels. Where moisture is abundant, this cloth instead consists of a paste that oozes by gravity, coats big surfaces, and may somewhen recrystallize as a hard white crust (Palmer, 2007).

Distinctive minerals are produced by HtwoS oxidation and the sulfuric acid assail of bedrock (Polyak and Provencio, 2001). Elemental sulfur is nowadays in a few places where oxidation of HiiSouthward has been incomplete. Information technology is most stable at depression pH, so it is almost common in or on gypsum or other noncarbonate surfaces. Sulfuric acid tin can alter clays to a multifariousness of minerals such every bit alunite (KAlthree(And thenfour)2(OH)6) and hydrated halloysite (Al2Si2O5(OH)iv·2HtwoO). To take a strong enough acid to produce these, the reaction must be subaerial and in water films on dirt rather than in carbonate-rich h2o. For example, the pH must be less than about 4 to produce alunite in a typical cave surroundings (Palmer, 2007). Therefore, these minerals are evidence for vadose speleogenesis. The alteration process besides releases silicic acid (H4SiO4), which tin can precipitate every bit opal or quartz, either as linings on bedrock or mineral surfaces, or every bit pore fillings. Alunite can exist used to date the latest stage of cave enlargement by sulfuric acrid (run across the following section).

Sulfuric acid caves are noted for the variety of their speleothems. These include the types common in most caves, but some are specific to sulfuric acid caves. The great amount of replacement gypsum in many of these caves makes it possible for this mineral to be dissolved from upper levels and reprecipitated lower down past evaporation as crusts and chandelier-like crystal arrays. Many speleothems are hosted by microbial filaments, which are encased in calcite to class finger-like projections or web-shaped lattices later on speleogenesis ceases (Queen and Melim, 2006). Subaqueous helictites are formed where tendrils of calcite-saturated water seep into pools with loftier concentrations of dissolved gypsum. The common-ion result forces the calcite to precipitate as worm-shaped features with central canals. They are very rare and have so far been identified only in a few sulfuric acid caves (Davis et al., 1990). Rusticles are iron oxide deposits formed by dissolution of iron oxides in strong acids and reprecipitation when they encounter carbonate-rich water. Because the pH rises, the iron precipitates equally hydroxides and oxides. These unremarkably take the shape of irregular stalactites, which may later on become coated with calcite (Davis et al., 1990).

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